This year I decided not to do my normal Christmas letter. Since I blog a few times a month I figured this would be a better way of letting you all know what is going on in our lives plus pictures, videos and slide shows are way better then a piece of paper. If you don’t already have a Blog I highly encourage you to create one. This website is fairly easy to navigate and if you need help just ask me, I am a pro.
Joe is still at Best Buy calibrating TV’s for customers at their homes. He enjoys it but he is overworked, I hope he doesn’t get burnt out.
I am still at Sterling Savings bank. I enjoy my job and I really like being involved in these meetings we call Kaizen’s but with Kaizen always brings change and that is not always easy. Every time I am involved in them it seems like I get more responsibility. It is good because I am always busy but more and more responsibility is not always fun.
Cadet is still Cadet and Ashes is still Ashes. They are our babies and we love them both dearly.
The basement is days away from being finished. Joe is actually working on it right now. My parents are coming to celebrate Christmas tomorrow. I am very excited to see them but I will be working most of the time they are here which is a big bummer. At least we get Christmas day off.
We can’t wait to see what this year holds for us and we hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!
If you have a blog we don’t know about let us know so we can add you to our page.
Jessica, Joe, Ashes and Cadet
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