So I am obsessed with the Twilight series, I admit it. I read the first book in 4 days and this is quite a stretch for me since I never - ever read anything. But I saw the preview the weekend before and it made me curious about the book so I asked to borrow it from my friend Amanda at work. Couldn’t put it down…and seriously couldn’t stop thinking about it. I loved it so much! So I made Joe take me to the movie last Sunday and would have gone and seen it again right after if I could. I am currently reading the second book in the series called New Moon. I asked for the hard backs from my mom for Christmas so I can read them all over again! YAY
I am right there with you on the obsession! And I felt the same way about wanting to see the show again immediately after finishing- mostly because I wanted to watch it and truly enjoy every minute instead of tensing for unwelcome plot alterations. I'm sure you'll love the next three books. You'll have to post (or email me) further thoughts and book-nerd discussions!