December 2007
Dear Family and Friends,
This year went by super quick! A lot has happened in our lives this past year…
Working for Sterling Savings Bank has been a great thing for me so far. The beginning was a little rocky but everything got all ironed out. I am involved in a bunch of leadership things so that is awesome. I love what I do and couldn’t see myself anywhere else. Except maybe in a nicer office but we can’t have everything we want now can we? Maybe someday…I am working my way up. Oh and if you can’t remember what I am doing I am processing Consumer Loans…Paperwork all day I completely love it!
Joe is trucking along at Best Buy (over 4 years) still doing Home Theater Installs. He loves every minute of it, well almost. He is working plenty of overtime this month especially. He now has his second assistant so that is really nice for him. Our companies have both treated us very well. We are really lucky.
March we went to Arizona with my parents to visit with my Grandpa Abel and MJ. We also got to see the Grand Canyon but I was really sick so it wasn’t as much fun for me as it could have been…oh well. It was also my mom’s 50th birthday, which I think she seems to be pretty proud of! She looks absolutely gorgeous! I love you MOM!
May and June were entirely too busy for us. WOW we had company seriously every weekend and I am not even exaggerating one bit. It was a blast though. Memorial Day Weekend Clint came camping with us and a big group on friends on Coeur d’ Alene in Idaho. It was fun but it rained and it was cold. Burr. The weekend after all my best friends from high school came and we went to Silverwood Themepark and partied it up. Next weekend my friend Jessica and her boyfriend flew in for a wedding and stayed with us. That was nice to see them. Then Joe’s sister Cari and Stephen came with Abby and Ashlyn. We went out to dinner one night, I made dinner another night and then Thursday night we went out on the boat and Joe forgot to put the plug in! That was almost a disaster but he jumped in the water like a superhero and saved us and the boat. Thank goodness! Friday my grandpa and MJ came to take us out to dinner. They were on their way up to Alaska so we were the stopping point which was nice to see them again.
August we went to a few weddings (4)….one included was my cousin Nick and his new wife Maggie. That was nice to see some family we haven’t seen in a while….(Mark and Gary…they didn’t even come to our wedding!!!) Oh well it was nice to see everyone! We also went to Joe’s nephews wedding over in Seattle, yep that’s right nephew. I have nieces and nephews that are married! That is what you get when you marry into a huge family!
September we went to the Dave Matthews Band concert at the Gorge and then followed it up with camping with friends at Lake Roosevelt. It was an incredible weekend. I will remember it forever and why wouldn’t I…it was with my all time favorite people on this planet, Tanya, Autumn, Clint and Joe! Fantastic!
With our extremely busy summer we still had time to enjoy the boat! I took up wakeboarding last year but I really got the hang of it this year. Joe is so impressed with me! It is a lot of fun; next year maybe I can jump the whole wake like Joe! Joe is a superstar at wakeboarding by the way. It is so much fun to watch what he can do. Also if you’re in the area let us know and we will take you out on the lake, no problem!
November we went over to Steve and Sandy’s home in Wilbur for Thanksgiving. My parents, brother, Bob & Betty, and Brice all came. It was nice to see everyone and Steve and Sandy have been working so hard on the house it was nice for everyone to see it. And it was nice not to worry about Thanksgiving this year…I have held it the past 3 years at our house in Spokane. Friday my mom and I went shopping of course while my dad and brother recuperated. Joe had to work at 4:30 the day after Thanksgiving, a tradition that he hates…but that is what you get when you work in retail!
Now of course it’s December and we are looking forward to coming home for Christmas to see family and friends! Supposedly Joe and I are holding an “Ugly Christmas Sweater” party here next weekend but Joe is “bah humbug” about it. I think he has been working a little too much….but since he just went to California with friends he can’t complain that much! Oh yes last weekend he went to the USC and UCLA football game in Los Angeles with two guys from work. He is already talking about taking another “guy” trip. HA
Joe and I want to wish everyone a Wonderful Christmas and a very Blissful New Year!
Love to you all,
Jessica & Joe Wellman
Dear Family and Friends,
This year went by super quick! A lot has happened in our lives this past year…
Working for Sterling Savings Bank has been a great thing for me so far. The beginning was a little rocky but everything got all ironed out. I am involved in a bunch of leadership things so that is awesome. I love what I do and couldn’t see myself anywhere else. Except maybe in a nicer office but we can’t have everything we want now can we? Maybe someday…I am working my way up. Oh and if you can’t remember what I am doing I am processing Consumer Loans…Paperwork all day I completely love it!
Joe is trucking along at Best Buy (over 4 years) still doing Home Theater Installs. He loves every minute of it, well almost. He is working plenty of overtime this month especially. He now has his second assistant so that is really nice for him. Our companies have both treated us very well. We are really lucky.
March we went to Arizona with my parents to visit with my Grandpa Abel and MJ. We also got to see the Grand Canyon but I was really sick so it wasn’t as much fun for me as it could have been…oh well. It was also my mom’s 50th birthday, which I think she seems to be pretty proud of! She looks absolutely gorgeous! I love you MOM!
May and June were entirely too busy for us. WOW we had company seriously every weekend and I am not even exaggerating one bit. It was a blast though. Memorial Day Weekend Clint came camping with us and a big group on friends on Coeur d’ Alene in Idaho. It was fun but it rained and it was cold. Burr. The weekend after all my best friends from high school came and we went to Silverwood Themepark and partied it up. Next weekend my friend Jessica and her boyfriend flew in for a wedding and stayed with us. That was nice to see them. Then Joe’s sister Cari and Stephen came with Abby and Ashlyn. We went out to dinner one night, I made dinner another night and then Thursday night we went out on the boat and Joe forgot to put the plug in! That was almost a disaster but he jumped in the water like a superhero and saved us and the boat. Thank goodness! Friday my grandpa and MJ came to take us out to dinner. They were on their way up to Alaska so we were the stopping point which was nice to see them again.
August we went to a few weddings (4)….one included was my cousin Nick and his new wife Maggie. That was nice to see some family we haven’t seen in a while….(Mark and Gary…they didn’t even come to our wedding!!!) Oh well it was nice to see everyone! We also went to Joe’s nephews wedding over in Seattle, yep that’s right nephew. I have nieces and nephews that are married! That is what you get when you marry into a huge family!
September we went to the Dave Matthews Band concert at the Gorge and then followed it up with camping with friends at Lake Roosevelt. It was an incredible weekend. I will remember it forever and why wouldn’t I…it was with my all time favorite people on this planet, Tanya, Autumn, Clint and Joe! Fantastic!
With our extremely busy summer we still had time to enjoy the boat! I took up wakeboarding last year but I really got the hang of it this year. Joe is so impressed with me! It is a lot of fun; next year maybe I can jump the whole wake like Joe! Joe is a superstar at wakeboarding by the way. It is so much fun to watch what he can do. Also if you’re in the area let us know and we will take you out on the lake, no problem!
November we went over to Steve and Sandy’s home in Wilbur for Thanksgiving. My parents, brother, Bob & Betty, and Brice all came. It was nice to see everyone and Steve and Sandy have been working so hard on the house it was nice for everyone to see it. And it was nice not to worry about Thanksgiving this year…I have held it the past 3 years at our house in Spokane. Friday my mom and I went shopping of course while my dad and brother recuperated. Joe had to work at 4:30 the day after Thanksgiving, a tradition that he hates…but that is what you get when you work in retail!
Now of course it’s December and we are looking forward to coming home for Christmas to see family and friends! Supposedly Joe and I are holding an “Ugly Christmas Sweater” party here next weekend but Joe is “bah humbug” about it. I think he has been working a little too much….but since he just went to California with friends he can’t complain that much! Oh yes last weekend he went to the USC and UCLA football game in Los Angeles with two guys from work. He is already talking about taking another “guy” trip. HA
Joe and I want to wish everyone a Wonderful Christmas and a very Blissful New Year!
Love to you all,
Jessica & Joe Wellman
Hey there! It's great to have a way to find out all about what's going on in your life... especially since it's been ages since I've seen you guys. Hopefully we can catch up with eachother and you can meet the newest member of our little family soon! Love ya!